Staying healthy during a travel has always been the priority. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has made us double our awareness on board. Although the major airlines clean their airplane seats to ensure safety of the crew members and passengers, you may find comfort after disinfecting the space on your own.
Here, I will be telling you how to disinfect airplane seat to have a healthy air travel.
What You Will Need: Disinfectant Wipes for an Airplane
There are many brands of disinfectant wipes for surfaces that can kill most bacteria and viruses including the coronavirus within 30 seconds to 10 minutes. But before you buy any wipes, check out how the wipe works or if it kills bacteria and viruses. For example, you can bring Clorox disinfecting wipes or Lysol disinfecting wipes for the best result.
In case you forget to bring disinfectant wipes, you are not left with too many options. But if the situation demands, you can use rubbing alcohol if the flight attendants allow you to do so. Better if you check the guidelines of authorities. For example, TSA allows ‘quart-sized bag of liquids’ that are ‘3.4 ounces or less per item’.
How to Disinfect Your Space on an Airplane

Packing the items, you need does not protect you from germs and viruses unless you use them properly. Here is how to clean an airplane seat:
- Clean Your Hands: Before you start disinfecting seat and spaces around, use hand sanitizer. Make sure you do the same after cleaning the surfaces as well.
- Clean Hard Surfaces: Disinfect all the hard surfaces you are likely to touch during flight. For example, seat tray table, remote, TV screen, overhead bins, air vent knobs, etc.
You should also wipe down the hard parts of your seat such as the armrest, armrest controls, and seat belt buckle.
- Disinfect Your Seat: You can use disinfectant wipes on your seat if it’s enveloped in a nonporous material such as Vinyl or synthetic leather. However, you should not use them on a fabric seat. Consider bringing washable a seat covers if you have a fabric seat on board.
- Wait for a While: Wipes do not kill viruses in a flash. Hence, you have to wait for a while so that the disinfectant wipes can kill the germs and make the space safe for you. You can read the instruction that come with the package to know how long it would take to kill all the germs.
- Bring Small Plastic Bags: After disinfecting the spaces around you, don’t just throw the wipes away. Put them in plastic bags so that you can keep other areas from getting exposed to germs.
- Do Not Touch Your Face: A virus can make its way into your body using three ways: eyes, nose, and mouth. So, be sure you do not touch your face before and after disinfecting the airplane seat.
Also Read: An In-Depth Guide about Antibacterial Wipes for Travel.
Wherever you go and whatever transportation mode you take, the safety and security of yourself and your fellow passengers always remain the top priority. It’s even more important now since the coronavirus has already killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world. As you now know how to disinfect airplane seat, make sure you do it properly. Have a safe journey!